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Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Digital Cities II : Computational and Sociological Approaches - Second Kyoto Workshop on Digital Cities, Kyoto, Japan October 2001 Revised Papers 2362 (2002, Paperback) read online book DJV, FB2, MOBI


This book contains the papers presented at the second KyotoWorkshop on Digital Cities that took place in October 2001. This was the third in a series of three related confer- ces. The previous conferences were the KyotoWorkshop on Communityware and Social Interaction in 1998, and the ?rst KyotoWorkshop on Digital Cities, in September 1999. Together they have contributed to the advancement of the research on digital cities, one of the research topics within the emerging ?eld of social informatics . Themeetingaimedatimprovingourunderstandingofthecurrentstatusandfutureof thoseclassesofsystemsthatcanbesubsumedundertheheadingofdigitalcity.Whatare feasiblemodelsfordigitalcities?Whatdoexperimentswithdigitalcitiesteachus?What new technologies for digital cities emerge? The meeting aimed at encouraging research and practical activities in this ?eld, and enabled the interaction between computer sci- tists, social scientists, and enlightened practitioners, engaged with digital cities. Topics of discussion were design and analysis, theoretical perspectives on digital cities, ex- riments with digital cities and with community networks, applications of digital cities, user studies, visualization, (mobile) technologies for digital cities, social interaction and communityware, user involvement in digital cities and community networks, and or- nizational and business models for digital cities.", This book presents revised full papers contributed to the Second Kyoto Workshop on Digital Cities, held in Kyoto, Japan, in October 2001. The 29 thoroughly reviewed papers presented together with an introduction are organized in topcial sections on - concepts and theory - politics of the digitial city movement - examples of digital cities - evaluations - architectures for digital cities - technologies for digital cities, This text presents revised full papers contributed to the Second Kyoto Workshop on Digital Cities, held in Kyoto, Japan, in October 2001. The 29 thoroughly reviewed papers presented together with an introduction are organized in topical sections on: concepts and theory; politics of the digitial city movement; examples of digital cities; evaluations; architectures for digital cities; and technologies for digital cities.

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